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Monday, July 03, 2006

3a.m. watch

While the news of England losing to Portugal 3-1 at penalty shootouts may not come as a great shock since everybody but Englishmen themselves believe the English are rubbish at footie (this applies in general to the British and their sports), it's still depressing enough to warrant a blog post. Or. rather, the foremost important and therefore introduction to one.

Now I've really lost reader interest.

Having made up my mind prematurely to not comment yet another time on LTA or Singapore's public transport commuters (keep your cramped little seats you devils!), which would usually leave me bereft of anything to talk about, it's 2.42 in the morning and I've just watched Night Watch, and I've suddenly been struck by a strange (and very probably untrue) notion that someone out there would give a couple of hamster droppings and a piece of string to know what my views of it are.

If the New Paper is anything to go by (it usually isn't, unless you want to read ads on end about handphones or cyber sex) Night Watch to my memory had recieved good reviews. And so it was with great anticipation that I rushed to Video EZ to borrow it to watch in my early morning eyebaggy bloodshot-inducing pleasure. That and the fact it was Russian made me believe that there would be tall slim darkhaired nymphomaniac beauties named Ivona and Tartala making out midfilm.

It turned out to be something about Igor Ytchevialonkskolopic (it's all a bit hazy now - the movie finished all of twenty minutes ago) using torchlights to beat up vampires. The sight of the evil boss of the Dark Side (strangely named Day Watch - things don't work the same way in Russia apparently) pulls his spine, conveniently metal, out to use as a sword, forced me to take immediate eye-cleansing action in the form of illicit magazines (just joking. Seriously).

Overall I was rather disappointed as there was no development between his vampire neighbour and the protaganist, and the dismal lack of special effects and spectacular fight scenes between superpowered characters (stuff which gets the blood pumping). To top it off, Ivona and Tartala never made an appearance. I'll just have to make do with imaginative dreams as I drift gently to sleep.


posted by butler at 1:56 am
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The Writer

highly confidential
Martin Butler, or affectionally known to others as "Butler", "Butlerman", or just "Butt".
-Most eligible bachelor of 2004-every year henceforth - step aside Mr.Clooney
-Doesn't particularly enjoy much anymore having been desensitized as part of a cruel torturous regime a.k.a IB...
-Dislikes everything he doesn't like...

Nov 8th - Remember the date!
MSN - (Add with caution)


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