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Monday, November 22, 2004

i will survive...

if batman is actually a playboy cum philanthropist who flirts with herbologists-turned-evil-plantwomen, and superman is in actual fact a higher species who came to earth to play investigator-reporter while exploring cheap thrills of stripping in public phonebooths -

then what the hell does butlerman do while in the form of his alternate identity? today's 'journal' session shall proudly attempt to document the progress of butlerman's holiday lifestyle.

butlerman's top ten things to do while on holiday (note i might not have completed some of these, if i did, this blog would never have started. read blog entry 1 to find out why)
10) fool about with the games on his computer
9) watch an old movie with best friend (e.g. predator)
8) attempt to play a real-time-strategy game without cheats and fail completely
7) attempt to sing with best friend (e.g. seal - kiss from a rose)
6) walk an extraordinary long distance with friends
5) club
4) club with one or more girlfriends
3) watch any movie with a girlfriend
2) watch any movie with girlfriends
1) everything that might come after 2, 3, or 4

the top ten things butlerman has done this holiday due to his computer dying on him*
(check bottom of this entry to read full title)
10) walk home from indoor stadium in 1 hour 30 mins
9) talk to guys
8) talk to girls
7) get a new hairstyle (funkay)
6) get complimented by female hairstylist ("wah, your sideburns so nice. all angmohs can have nice sideburns unlike our singaporean guys" i'm serious)
5) rugby training
4) rugby training
3) watch aviva open badminton championships 2004
2) write blogs - even though nobody actually reads them (if you are reading this now, pat yourself on your back)
1) get 1 comment on my blog WOOHOO

now how the hell, am i suppose to survive the rest of my holiday if i have accomplished nearly everything i can.

-"i will survive" plays in background-

-song continues-

-song continues-

-song continues-

-song finishes-

-song starts again-

-and again-

-and again-

welcome to my life. to do a difference, please talk to me.
remember thats 239-69-69-69*. female only hotline.
ladies, follow me

*the top ten/only things that butlerman has done this holiday due to his computer dying on him and a serious lack of social communication and ostracization (i think i spelt that right)
*all numbers are somewhat coincidental

posted by butler at 8:07 pm
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Blogger jtwl commented at 9:32 pm~  

i'm honoured.

it's. um. oh nevermind. i'll go check my profile.

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The Writer

highly confidential
Martin Butler, or affectionally known to others as "Butler", "Butlerman", or just "Butt".
-Most eligible bachelor of 2004-every year henceforth - step aside Mr.Clooney
-Doesn't particularly enjoy much anymore having been desensitized as part of a cruel torturous regime a.k.a IB...
-Dislikes everything he doesn't like...

Nov 8th - Remember the date!
MSN - (Add with caution)


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Under permanent state of reconstruction - you may start by asking me to link you

If I have forgotten anybody (or maybe I just don't know enough people...), let me know


the Garage cum Batforum

a tense atmosphere of hot air, greasy stains and the endless grumbles of the engine - and that's only me

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